Saturday, January 12, 2013

Checking in :)

I feel pretty good about the past week, exercise and eating wise!  Kettlebell classes have started again and boy am I feeling it!!  Abs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, etc, etc, etc ... hurts so good ;)  I love those classes!  It was my 1 yr 'anniversary' on Tuesday, attending two times a week for a full year.  There were a few breaks and I missed a couple of classes here and there but it is definitely routine now, which I am proud of!  Now I need to add a few more exercise days/week into my routine and make healthy eating more 'routine' :)  A friend has started a FB group, where we encourage each other to drink an adequate amount of water each day and make healthy eating choices and share tips, tricks and recipes.  I'm looking forward to the accountability that this group will provide!

My laundry goal  is going good although it has changed!  I'm finding it much easier to wash and dry a load every day and put it away the next day.  Putting the laundry away is the hard part because of Reese's nap time and the kid's going to bed so early.  But I am getting more laundry done throughout the week and avoiding the weekend pile-up that is so overwhelming (5 people create A LOT of laundry!!)!!

And goal #3 - earlier bedtime.  I made it ... into bed before or at 11:30 every day!  But I've discovered being in bed at 11:30 really doesn't do much good when I read or play on the iPad until 1 am or later.  So this week's new 'bedtime' goal is to be in bed, light's off and attempting to sleep by 11:30 pm!  Being meet week this week (Cameron's Closet), this will be difficult.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, as I do 90% of my work late into the night but I'm going to find a way and make it work.  I need to be better rested, for myself and my family!

So there's a quick update :)  I hope your week went well and once again, feel free to comment (anonymous comments are welcome ;) )!!!
